These are the current course outlines for Theatre Arts

To Parent Directory
Course TitleLast Modified
THEA-1010: Theatre Appreciation07/23/2021
THEA-1430: Introduction to Scenery and Stagecrafts07/23/2021
THEA-1500: Acting I07/23/2021
THEA-1510: Acting II07/23/2021
THEA-1520: Improvisation and Performance I07/23/2021
THEA-1540: Rehearsal and Performance07/23/2021
THEA-1550: Practicum in Technical Theatre07/23/2021
THEA-1600: Acting for the Camera I07/23/2021
THEA-2010: Script Analysis07/23/2021
THEA-2100: Arts Management07/23/2021
THEA-2210: History of Theatre and Drama I07/23/2021
THEA-2220: History of Theatre & Drama II07/23/2021
THEA-2400: Playwriting07/23/2021
THEA-2440: Sound for Theatre07/23/2021
THEA-2450: Drafting for Theatre07/19/2022
THEA-2500: Acting III07/23/2021
THEA-2510: Acting IV07/23/2021
THEA-2520: Improvisation and Performance II07/23/2021
THEA-2540: Advanced Rehearsal Performance07/23/2021
THEA-2550: Advanced Practicum in Technical Theatre07/23/2021
THEA-2600: Acting for the Camera II07/23/2021
THEA-2830: Cooperative Field Experience07/23/2021
Last Modified: 07/26/2021 09:05 AM