These are the current course outlines for Radiography

To Parent Directory
Course TitleLast Modified
RADT-1300: Fundamentals of Radiography07/23/2021
RADT-1351: Image Acquisition and Evaluation07/19/2022
RADT-1400: Radiographic Positioning07/6/2023
RADT-1410: Intermediate Radiographic Positioning07/23/2021
RADT-1911: Clinical Radiography I07/6/2023<
RADT-191A: Clinical Radiography I-A07/6/2023
RADT-191B: Clinical Radiography I- B07/6/2023
RADT-191S: Clinical Radiography I07/6/2023
RADT-2350: Radiographic Pathology07/17/2024
RADT-2362: Interventional Radiography and Pharmacology07/6/2023
RADT-2401: Imaging Systems07/6/2023
RADT-2610: Introduction to Mammography07/6/2023
RADT-2620: Anatomy and Pathology of the Breast07/23/2021
RADT-2630: Positioning Techniques for Breast Imaging07/6/2023
RADT-2640: Physics of Mammography07/6/2023
RADT-2650: Interventional and Special Imaging Procedures07/6/2023
RADT-2660: MQSA and ACR Regulatory Standards07/6/2023
RADT-2670: Mammography Quality Control07/6/2023
RADT-2911: Clinical Radiography II07/6/2023
RADT-291A: Clinical Radiography II-A07/6/2023
RADT-291B: Clinical Radiography II-B07/6/2023
RADT-291S: Clinical Radiography II07/6/2023
RADT-2921: Clinical Radiography III07/6/2023
RADT-292S: Clinical Radiography III07/6/2023
RADT-2930: Mammography Applications07/6/2023
Last Modified: 07/26/2021 09:05 AM