These are the current course outlines for Business Technology

To Parent Directory
Course TitleLast Modified
BT-1001: Keyboarding07/19/2022
BT-1150: Word For Business Documents07/10/2024
BT-1600: Specialized Business Document Software07/23/2021
BT-1700: Business Spreadsheets (Excel\07/10/2024
BT-2040: Emerging Workplace Technology07/6/2023
BT-2200: Advanced Word Processing07/19/2022
BT-2211: Presentation Software07/10/2024
BT-2300: Business Database Systems (Access\07/19/2022
BT-2411: Workforce Management07/19/2022
BT-2500: Web Authoring Tools07/23/2021
BT-2520: Business Websites: Best Practices and Maintenance07/10/2024
BT-2510: Project Management Software07/6/2023
BT-2700: Advanced Business Spreadsheets (Excel\07/10/2024
BT-2710: Microsoft Power BI for Data Analysis07/6/2023
BT-2990: Business Technologies Capstone07/19/2022
Last Modified: 07/26/2021 09:04 AM