These are the current course outlines for Sport and Exercise Studies

To Parent Directory
Course TitleLast Modified
SES-1001: Introduction to Sport and Exercise Studies07/6/2023
SES-1040: Teaching Exercise Training Techniques07/6/2023
SES-1300: Fitness and Wellness Coaching07/19/2022
SES-2000: Essentials of Sports Injury Care07/19/2022
SES-2010: Exercise and Movement Anatomy07/19/2022
SES-2100: Sport and Exercise Physiology07/19/2022
SES-2130: Kinesiology: Fundamentals of Human Movement07/6/2023
SES-2300: Personal Training Certification Preparation07/6/2023
SES-2310: Advanced Training Concepts and Techniques07/19/2022
SES-2320: Group Fitness Instructor Certification Preperation07/17/2024
SES-2330: Motor Learning and Development07/19/2022
SES-2350: Exercise for Special Populations07/17/2024
SES-2360: Fitness and Sport Management07/17/2024
SES-2380: Corrective Exercise Training07/6/2023
SES-2400: Concepts of Sports Coaching07/19/2022
SES-2410: Exercise Testing and Prescription07/19/2022
SES-2420: Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription07/19/2022
SES-2500: Health and Wellness Coach Certification Prep07/19/2022
SES-2840: Practicum: Sport and Exercise Studies07/6/2023
Last Modified: 07/26/2021 09:05 AM