These are the current course outlines for Plant Science and Landscape Technology

To Parent Directory
Course TitleLast Modified
PST-1301: Horticultural Botany07/23/2021
PST-1311: Deciduous Woody Landscape Plants07/23/2021
PST-1321: Evergreens, Groundcovers, and Herbaceous Landscape Plants05/17/2021
PST-1331: Plant Propagation07/19/2022
PST-1351: Plant Production07/19/2022
PST-1380: Introduction to Tree Care07/19/2022
PST-1400: Garden Center and Nursery Management07/23/2021
PST-1411: Equipment Operations and Safety07/23/2021
PST-1420: Landscape Practices07/23/2021
PST-1431: Graphics for Landscape Design and Construction07/19/2022/td>
PST-1441: Introduction to Landscape Design07/23/2021
PST-1450: Landscape Design - CAD07/23/2021
PST-1510: Landscape Contracting07/19/2022
PST-1600: Irrigation and Drainage07/17/2024
PST-1806: Special Topics: Agricultural Management07/25/2021
PST-2310: Soil Technology07/23/2021
PST-2321: Plant Pest Diagnostics07/23/2021
PST-2370: Introduction to Turfgrass07/19/2022
PST-2380: Arboriculture07/19/2022/td>
PST-2431: Planting Design07/23/2021
PST-2480: Arboriculture Practices07/19/2022
PST-2950: Field Experience07/23/2021
Last Modified: 07/26/2021 09:05 AM