These are the current course outlines for Applied Industrial Technology-Floorlaying

To Parent Directory
Course TitleLast Modified
ATFL-1300: Residential Installation07/23/2021
ATFL-1450: Floorlaying Concepts07/23/2021
ATFL-1600: Modular Tile07/23/2021
ATFL-1610: Jute & Action Back Carpeting07/23/2021
ATFL-1620: Ceramics I07/23/2021
ATFL-1630: Wood Flooring I07/23/2021
ATFL-1640: Sheet Goods Concepts07/23/2021
ATFL-1650: Sheet Goods - Flash Coving07/23/2021
ATFL-1710: Velcro and Modular Carpeting07/23/2021
ATFL-1720: Sheet Goods - Geometric Layout and Inlay07/23/2021
ATFL-1730: Unitary Back and Enhancer Back Carpeting07/23/2021
ATFL-1801: Special Topics: Intro to the Floor Covering Industry07/23/2021
ATFL-1808: Special Topics in Introduction to Hard Tile07/23/2021
ATFL-2300: Ceramics II07/23/2021
ATFL-2320: Wood Flooring II07/23/2021
ATFL-2400: Sheet Goods-Specialty Products07/23/2021
ATFL-2430: Woven and Axminster Carpeting07/23/2021
Last Modified: 07/26/2021 09:04 AM