These are the current course outlines for Health Information Management Technology

To Parent Directory
Course TitleLast Modified
HIM-1060: Health Unit Coordinator07/17/2024
HIM-1113: Physician Office Coding with Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Coding07/17/2024
HIM-1114: Medical Office Coding with ICD-10-CM07/17/2024
HIM-1122: Medical Billing Practices07/17/2024
HIM-1301: Introduction to Health Information Management07/17/2024
HIM-1311: Legal Aspects of Health Care07/17/2024
HIM-1401: Systems in Healthcare Delivery07/17/2024
HIM-1424: Health Informatics and Information Management07/17/2024
HIM-1432: Computer Systems in Health Information Management07/6/2023
HIM-1820: Independent Study/Research in Health Information Management07/23/2021
HIM-2130: Coding with CPT (Current Procedural Terminology\07/23/2021
HIM-2160: Coding with ICD-10-CM07/23/2021
HIM-2201: Project Management for the Health Information Management Professional07/17/2024
HIM-2260: Coding with ICD-10-PCS07/23/2021
HIM-2320: Quality Improvement & Statistics in Healthcare07/17/2024
HIM-2401: Intermediate Coding07/17/2024
HIM-2410: Management Practices in Health Information07/17/2024
HIM-2430: Medical Reimbursement Methodologies07/17/2024
HIM-2500: Introduction to Cancer Registry and Disease Management07/23/2021
HIM-2510: The Cancer Disease Process and Management07/23/2021
HIM-2520: Oncology Coding and Staging07/19/2022
HIM-2530: Oncology Treatment and Coding07/23/2021
HIM-2540: Abstracting Principles and Methodologies for Oncology07/23/2021
HIM-2550: Database Analytics, Quality and Tracking07/23/2021
HIM-2560: Oncology Database and Manuals07/23/2021
HIM-2820: Advanced Independent Study/Research in Health Information Management07/23/2021
HIM-2871: Professional Practice Experience for Oncology Data Specialists07/17/2024
HIM-2910: HIM Professional Practice Experiential Learning07/17/2024
HIM-2990: HIM Capstone07/17/2024
Last Modified: 07/26/2021 09:04 AM